Come join us in sunny Camarillo, CA on January 17-18, 2012 and learn how you can boost your planned gifts and bequests! Explore design characteristics of successful planned giving websites, interactivity, eNewsletters, video and marketing literature. Learn about the tools for increasing contacts, managing email lists and securing long-term relationships with donors, GiftAttorneys and more!
The tools that are necessary to meet the demands of the 74 million baby boomers online today include:
1) An Online Wills Planner
2) Fresh Content and Mission Videos on your website
3) Unique Branding and Messaging ability
4) Online DRM (Donor Relationship Management) which allows you to uniquely communicate with your donors in a safe and professional way
5) Provide & Protect Seminars - a complete strategy for bequest marketing
6) Gift Illustrating Software - to help you close those gifts
7) Extensive and flexible use of Royalty-free Literature
8) GiftAttorney Pro - for reaching professional advisors
To attend the Internet Marketing Seminar and learn about all of these tools please click here.
Also, be sure to stay an extra day (January 19, 2012) and learn how to customize your GiftLegacy brochures and print newsletters in-house using Adobe InDesign at the eDesign Seminar.