American corporations now have record cash levels. Thousands of your business owner friends have been waiting to decide when the best time is to sell and retire. Plus, there are reasonable prospects for business sales in 2012.
This may the best year in the past decade for business owner charitable gifts. All three factors will lead business owners to consider a sale this year. Your best opportunity for a major planned gift is when your business owner friends retire.
The Crescendo Business Planning Seminar will cover all of the business ownership types and explain how to set up major charitable gifts. For most owners, a variation of the Sale and Unitrust will be the solution. But you need to be able to discuss the latest income, gift and estate taxes with the CPA and Attorney to close these gifts. Come to the Business Planning Seminar to learn how the 2012 tax rules can help you close major gifts from Business Owners.
This seminar will be held in our offices in Camarillo, California on March 19-20. For more information and a complete list of seminar topics, please click here. You will receive 12 hours CE credit for attending this session. To register, call 1-800-858-9154 or sign up online.