In GiftLegacy 3.0, you have options to brand your eNewsletter headers
and footers. Many charities use the eNewsletter header to offer the
Wills Planner or share mission-related information that motivates your
donors. You will want to benefit from learning how to modify your
eNewsletters for maximum response.
You also have powerful tracking capabilities. Donors who receive
the weekly e-mails and click through to your website are tracked by
name, e-mail address and location. You may use this tracking report to
make contacts or to offer other services.
The updated CresManager has powerful branding capabilities that are
available to you today. Through personalization of your eNewsletter
headers and footers and donor tracking, you can substantially increase
your donor response rates.
Who should attend? Gift planners and development staff who have
access to your CresManager account for GiftLegacy 3.0 will be very
pleased with these new capabilities.
The next CresManager webinar is next Thursday, November 17, 2011 from
9:00 to 10:00 am Pacific Time (10:00 am MDT, 11:00 am CDT, 12:00 pm EDT).
To sign up for the webinar click here.