On October 18,2011, the United States Senate held an important hearing on the subject of tax reform
and charitable giving. Recent proposals have recommended changing the tax code
to cap the deduction for charitable gifts. Many in the charitable community
have expressed concern that these proposed changes could reduce incentives for
charitable giving, thus hurting America's charities and ultimately the
communities that these charities serve.
A broad-based group of charities, together with companies and individuals that
work with charities, have come together to sign a petition asking Congress and
the President to protect the important role that charities play in America by
preserving the charitable deduction.
We wanted to make you aware of this petition and ask you to consider joining
Crescendo, along with more than 59,000 others, in asking Congress and the
President to help charities by preserving the charitable deduction. You can click
here to sign the petition.
Thank you for your help in supporting the important work of America's