December of 2010, Congress extended the IRA charitable rollover for years 2010
and 2011. The current law expired Dec. 31, 2011. At present, there is no IRA
charitable rollover for 2012.
Each year since 2006 Congress has permitted a charitable IRA rollover of up to
$100,000 for IRA owners over age 70½. This and about 40 other "tax
extenders" are passed each year. However, in 2010 the passage was in
December, but retroactive to January 1 of that year.
Will the IRA rollover pass again in 2012? It seems likely because other tax
extenders have been passed for 20 consecutive years and the IRA charitable
rollover is quite popular. However, a tax bill with the tax extenders and other
provisions may be delayed for political reasons until after the November
Once we hear that the IRA rollover has passed again we will prepare a new IRA charitable rollover marketing plan for later in 2012 and will be sure to notify you. We all hope Congress will cooperate in this effort.